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Blog#8 - Support of inquiry question for WP#4 (article1)


Updated: Dec 7, 2021

In the article, Positive and negatives of digital media for children Jenny Radesky, MD., FAAP, focuses on the age group from birth to 8 years and informs that the use of technology devices can have its good and bad affects towards children. Parent and child interaction are at play for downloaded apps, therefore parents can stay connected with their child and that it helps improve the child's developmental skills. The bad aspect of technology is the effectiveness of sleep deprive by the disturbance of a violent game, the lack of parenting interaction while the television is on, and inappropriate content, that she talks about "persuasive design", which is designed to interact and manipulate. Not only does she mention those critiques, but she also includes her own personal favorites of her positive aspects on the use of digital media, such as exploring music, video chats, and learning new things that are impossible for us to see in real-life. In order for her to get her claim across she provides proof of digital media being associated with lower executive functions, such as motor, sensory, communication, and cognitive skills that will lead the child to have language development and complex play. Therefore, she reaches out to parents about the use of persuasive design, on how to guide their child to appropriate content, and encourage pediatricians to provide as many resources as possible to parents about the use of technology that will provide good balance for their family.

  • The article is reliable because it suits the right format, it includes information she talks about, and it also provides positive and negative outcomes which can lead to argument debates. The strength in the article is that she presents a data showing early signs of technology use and resources that will help aide parents to become well balanced for screen time play. As for any weaknesses, I believe there could be more positive outcomes on the use of screen time, which then I'll have to do more research.

I plan to use this article for my resource that will help prove my inquiry question, is screen time bad for children.

Works Cited

NIERENGARTEN, MARY BETH. “Positives and Negatives of Digital Media for Children.” Contemporary Pediatrics, vol. 35, no. 12, Dec. 2018, pp. 12–14. EBSCOhost,



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