In Rebecca Thompson article. "Social Networking Social Good?" she claims that you can find comfort in the company of strangers, with all the social networking, you are bound to come across of meeting new people regardless of where you are from. The topics you are interested may have interest from others as well, therefore you connect and share thoughts and opinions and you have that friendship bond of interests in that category, which also leads to new information that you can encounter from them and vice versa. No matter who you meet or come across on the Internet you will be destined to be informed by new knowledge.
This article by Rebecca Thompson consist of Rhetorical Appeals, such as Ethos and Pathos. Ethos, in order to make her statement about Social Networking Social Good, she gains the trust and persuades her audience by establishing personal credentials, by giving her readers detailed quotes by people of their worrisome about social media and its effects towards communication and personal relationships. Pathos, she talks about the positive side of social networking, that it kept her close to her friends and family during devastating times, she also uses the apps that are convenient, such as emails and text messages that she can reply on the go without any phone communication. She then goes into details of two stories one about Dharun Ravi case and second about the Joseph Kony documentary. The fact that information posted on social network is fast traveling and especially the affects it will have towards the people of who are involved. Cyberbullying came about during the Ravi case, which was heartfelt because one lost a life due to his roommate recording him during his sexual encounter with his partner. In the Joseph Kony documentary, there were a billion views on the video that got the attention of millions of people to help save Uganda's children. In seconds, an online post can be captured, saved, reposted, and shared.
Blog#12 - Social Networking
Updated: Dec 7, 2021